The radiochemistry group deals with the chemistry of radioactive materials and targets a variety of chemical aspects in nuclear and environmental sciences. The group operates at two locations at TU Wien: One, the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, the main venue of our teaching activities and inactive, lab-based research. Two, the TRIGA Center Atominstitut, where we run our "hot" chemistry experiments. Our group is strongly connected to the Center for Labelling and Isotope Production (CLIP). Our radionuclide ("hot") laboratories are state-of-the-art facilities which allow handling of high activities under the strict guidelines of modern radiation protection. We teach the responsible and safe handling of radioactive materials and we employ the same principles in our laboratory-based research.
Our research portfolio is very broad and targets a variety of nuclear topics, ranging from environmental radioactivity, nuclear forensics, and nuclear emergency preparedness to synthetic chemistry of radioactive elements. We also assist others in research questions, where radioactivity or radioanalytical techniques may help solving a question. Our biggest instrumental asset is the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II research reactor which is operated by the TRIGA Center Atominstitut. It allows production of long- or short-lived radionuclides by activation of inactive nuclei. We employ the entire range of radioanalytical methods, and we combine them with non-nuclear techniques, in particular mass spectrometry.
We teach the full spectrum of radiochemistry in both lectures and practical lab-courses. We offer the module "Radiochemistry" in the masters curriculum of Technical Chemistry at TU Wien. This curriculum is set up to teach the entire range, from basics to specialized applications of modern radiochemistry.
Head of Research Group
Univ.Prof. Dr. Georg Steinhauser
Getreidemarkt 9/163
1060 Vienna
Stadionallee 2
1020 Vienna