
Media owner, editor, responsible for contents and editing of the pages of this website:

Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry - E163
TU Wien

Getreidemarkt 9/163
A-1060 Vienna

In the following paragraphs the mediaowner will be mention by the acronym "IAS".


© The contents of the website are published in the World Wide Web for online access. Copyright for texts, images, graphic design and source code is owned - unless otherwise stated - by the "IAS" and subject to legal protection.

The production, use and non-commercial distribution of copies in electronic or printed form is allowed only after permission by the institute. without altering the content in any way and with mentioning the source (Source: Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry @TU Wien).

Technical Support

Technical support and maintenance of the WWW servers is provided by the "IAS", Getreidemarkt 9/163, A-1060 Wien. If you experience technical problems, please send an e-mail to the Webmaster.

Technical note

With this site, we have tried to achieve good results for current hardware and software combinations. You will get the best results with Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari, but we do not expect problems using other common browser . If you experience any problems in this respect, get in touch with us.


All text on the "IAS" website has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, "IAS" cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information. Liability of "IAS" is therefore excluded. The links to other websites have been carefully chosen. However, as "IAS" has no say on their content, it assumes no responsibility for these.