Stefan Baudis studied chemistry at TU Wien graduating in 2007 (master degree) and specializing in polymer chemistry. During his diploma thesis at the group of Prof. Liska he already started his work in the field of biomaterials, when developing new concepts for the additive manufacturing (3D printing) of soft tissue substitutes based on photoelastomers. Later on, during his doctoral studies, he expanded the material portfolio by inclusion of thermoplastic urethane elastomers as basis for electrospun substitutes for blood vessels. In 2011, after receiving his doctorate, he joined the Institute of Biomaterial Science of the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht in Teltow, Germany, directed by Prof. Lendlein, and gained complementary training by establishing a high throughput facility for the combinatorial, robotic development of polymeric biomaterials. After his post-doctoral stay in Germany he re-joined the division macromolecular chemistry of the Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry establishing the Christian Doppler laboratory for Advanced Polymers for Biomaterials and 3D Printing.