Michael Schnürch

Associate Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

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+43 1 58801 - 163616

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MS has carried out his diploma and PhD thesis in the group of Prof. Peter Stanetty and received his PhD in 2005 from TU Wien. During his PhD-studies, he was on a 4 month sabbatical in Canada where he worked in the group of Prof. Victor Snieckus at Queens University (Kingston, Ontario). He was then Post-Doc with Prof. Dalibor Sames at the Columbia University in New York City (as Erwin Schrödinger fellow) and conducted research in the field of decarbonylative coupling reactions and sp3 C-H activation. After his return, he became Assistant Professor at TU Wien and completed his habilitation in 2013. He was promoted to privatdozent and in 2016 to Associate Professor for Organometallic Chemistry, a position he still holds. Additionally, he is the Chair of the very successful COST Action CHAOS (C-H Activation in Organic Synthesis) and will be chairing (together with Prof. Nuno Maulide) the next European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC 2019) in Vienna.

His research interests are located in the field of synthesis of heterocyclic compounds for the manipulation of cell differentiation and GABAA receptors, C-H activation of sp3 centers, the substitution of gaseous reagents for solid alternatives, green chemistry, and flow chemistry.

MS has carried out his diploma and PhD thesis in the group of Prof. Peter Stanetty and received his PhD in 2005 from TU Wien. During his PhD-studies, he was on a 4 month sabbatical in Canada where he worked in the group of Prof. Victor Snieckus at Queens University (Kingston, Ontario). He was then Post-Doc with Prof. Dalibor Sames at the Columbia University in New York City (as Erwin Schrödinger fellow) and conducted research in the field of decarbonylative coupling reactions and sp3 C-H activation. After his return, he became Assistant Professor at TU Wien and completed his habilitation in 2013. He was promoted to privatdozent and in 2016 to Associate Professor for Organometallic Chemistry, a position he still holds. Additionally, he is the Chair of the very successful COST Action CHAOS (C-H Activation in Organic Synthesis) and will be chairing (together with Prof. Nuno Maulide) the next European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC 2019) in Vienna.

His research interests are located in the field of synthesis of heterocyclic compounds for the manipulation of cell differentiation and GABAA receptors, C-H activation of sp3 centers, the substitution of gaseous reagents for solid alternatives, green chemistry, and flow chemistry.