Tissue Adhesives
Adhesion processes play a decisive role in the animal and human body and have been studied in great detail. Phosphorylation of serine as adhesion strategy is found in different species and serves different purposes, e.g. under water surface adhesion and protection strategies. Based on these biological adhesion applications, we present a biomimetic phosphonate-containing block copolymer approach to study surface adhesion. Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy is a suitable tool to measure the adhesive force. [2]
[1] P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, N. Bouropoulos, R. Liska, P.J. Thurner, S. Baudis: "Biomimetic adhesion motifs based on RAFT polymers with phosphonate groups"; European Polymer Journal, 143 (2020), 110188; S. 1 - 12.
[2] P. Steinbauer, A. Rohatschek, O.G. Andriotis, N. Bouropoulos, R. Liska, P.J. Thurner, S. Baudis: "Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Reveals Adhesion-by-Demand in Statherin at the Protein-Hydroxyapatite Interface"; Langmuir, 36 (2020), 44; S. 13292 - 13300.