Johannes Fröhlich
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
phone: +43 (1) 58801 - 406100
Johannes Fröhlich finished his studies in Technical Chemistry in 1981 and his PhD in 1983. After a postdoc at the University of Salford (UK) he started his independent career at TU Wien. In 1998, Johannes Fröhlich became head of the Institute of Organic Chemistry (later: Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry). Since 2003 he is Full Professor of Organic Chemistry and from 2004 to 2011 he has been Dean of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry. Since 2011, Johannes Fröhlich is Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of TU Wien.
The group focuses on the development of new synthetic strategies and methods in the field of heterocyclic chemistry toward functional molecules/materials and organic electronics. Key techniques include NMR spectroscopy, molecular modeling & quantum chemical calculations, structural analysis (X-ray crystallography), photochemical and electrochemical characterization.
Planar Organic Semiconductor-Materials for Flexible OLEDs
Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Joint Project (NSFC/China)
Abstract (Link to FWF website)
Synthesis of Novel Selenium-based OFET Materials
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
Abstract (Link to FWF website)