Bioorthogonal Chemistry
We aim for the development and further enhancement of bioorthogonal reactions in consideration of the most important requirements: (1) reactivity, (2) efficiency, (3) selectivity, (4) stability, and (5) biocompatibility.
We focus on a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of bioorthogonal ligations and bond-cleavage reactions to develop new tools for various applications. Due to the favorable reaction kinetics of the click chemistry between tetrazines and trans-cyclooctenes, these compounds are omnipresent in our labs and almost not a single day goes by without seeing someone working with a pink colored solid or solution.

Click-to-release chemistry is probably the most exciting reaction for us these days. In case of bioorthogonal bond-cleavage the requirements as mentioned above play an even more pivotal role. Sufficient reaction kinetics of both, ligation and elimination, and high efficiency (i.e. reaction yield) are essential criteria for successful application of click-to-release.
Radiolabeled Bioorthogonal Probes and Tools

Another major focus of the group is the development of strategies and methods for the preparation of radiolabeled bioorthogonal tools, mainly tetrazines. In fact, the motivation to develop 18F-labeled tetrazines toward pretargeted PET imaging actually got us to the field of bioorthogonal chemistry. A few years ago we have been successful in developing the first 18F-tetrazine (see here) and since then we aim to design strategies to access highly reactive radiolabeled tetrazines for diagnostic and/or therapeutic application.
Diagnostic Tools

Bioorthogonal or - more generally speaking - click reactions are highly valuable tools not only for in vivo, but also in vitro application. The copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition represents a powerful tool to connect two different compounds/moieties with high selectivity and efficiency.
We have exploited the beneficial properties of click chemistry to design a building block strategy for rapid and modular assembly of enzyme substrates toward the newborn screening of rare diseases (see here). Based on this concept we focus on the development of new chemical tools and in vitro assays for diagnostic application.
Bioorthogonal Targeting Strategies

Based on our investigations in the field of bioorthogonal chemistry and radiotheranostics we more and more focus on the development of new strategies (i) to selectively deliver therapeutic radionuclides or activate (pro)drugs at the site of disease (e.g. inside tumor cells), (ii) to circumvent and/or resolve problems related to unspecific delivery of carrier molecules (e.g. nanomedicines) causing off-target toxicity, and (iii) to cross biological barriers.
Head of Research Group