Heinz Krebs

OR Dipl.-Ing.

+43 1 58801 - 163649

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Heinz Krebs (HK) did his diploma studies within the working group of Prof. Dieter Binder on the Synthesis of tricyclic heterocyclic systems. He finished the experimental work of his PhD-thesis in the same group but refused to finalize the written part of the thesis.

He switched over to work in the area of Cheminformatics and run serveral projects at the institute. HK is now responsible for the VMWare-Structure of the server enivronment at the institute and is managing webservers (running on Linux & Windows), Oracle database server, MySQL-server and file-server. In addition he manages the iChemEdu-system (eLearning-Application for laboratory courses) and the chemical compound database at the faculty.

In 2001 he founded an own company (ChemIT e.U.) and since 2007 he is running his business as sole proprietorship.

Since 2015 he is also employed at the University of Vienna, developing their inhouse database (and other cheminformatic related projects).

Research works

Databases in Chemistry
He mainted the databases systems of MDL/Symyx/Accelrys for a long time (from ISIS/Host 3 to Isentris 2), not only in administration but also in programming. Additionally the administration of SciFinder and Crossfire was also in his hands.

Chemical compound databases
Based on the knowledge of ISIS/Host-Database-Applications he started to build up an own databases-application for managing the chemical compounds of the institute. Nowadays this web-application contains principle parts of compounds and labware at the faculty and is also used for billing.

eLearning in Chemistry studies
In 2001-2003 he was co-Leader of the Project iChemLab. Within this project several practical courses were assisted with publishing operation procedures on the web, as well as collecting experimental results, statistics. The system is still in use and is still maintained.

He is also responsible for the eChemTest-Testcenter in Vienna running +300 Tests a year.

iXam - online assessment in chemistry

Already some time before the COVID-crisis he started a fork of LibreEOL, an online assessment used by the ECTNA - European Chemistry Thematic Network Association). The system was heavily extended by new question types suitable for chemists (such as structure drawing, reaction equations, extended numeric calculations, and so on) and is using Big Blue Button as proctering solution. iXam has now been completely rewritten using the Neos Flow framework and is serving about 50 examinations (with 10-50 candidates) a year (several Analytical Chemistry lectures, General Chemistry lecture, weekly tests in seminars and labcourses). Any works within this project is done outside the university business and is property of ChemIT e.U.


2020 Pro Didactica - Sonderpreis für besonderes Engagement für Studierendenanliegen
2020 Pro Didactica - 1. Preis für beste Betreuung und Unterlagen einer Laborübung - Orientierungslehrveranstaltung
2002 Pro Didactica - Preis für das innovative Labor-Informationssystem iChemLab


K. Ehrmann, H.R.M. Khosravi, G. Artner, P. Hans, H. Krebs, A. Shahabian, D. Wipp (Hrg.):
"Proceedings VSS 2019 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium";
Book of Abstracts, Dipl.Ing. Heinz A. Krebs, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-9-0; 222 S.
P. Hans, G. Artner, J. Grames, H. Krebs, H. Mansouri Khosravi, T. Rouhi (Hrg.):
"Proceedings VSS 2018 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium";
Book of Abstracts, Dipl.Ing. Heinz A. Krebs, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, 2018, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-8-3; 136 S.

Zusätzliche Informationen
G. Artner, A. Bogadi, J. Grames, I. Hahn, P. Hans, H. Krebs, T. Rouhi (Hrg.):
"Proceedings VSS 2017 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium";
Book of Abstracts, Dipl.Ing. Heinz A. Krebs, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-5-2; 162 S.

Zusätzliche Informationen
H. Krebs, E. Rosenberg (Hrg.):
"ISSS 2017 - 23rd International Symposium on Separation Sciences, September 19-22, 2017";
Book-of-Abstracts.com / D.I. Krebs, Gumpoldskirchen, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-7-6; 332 S.
B. Ullmann, G. Artner, I. Hahn, P. Hans, H. Krebs, P. Eder-Neuhauser, R. Zemann (Hrg.):
"Proceedings VSS 2016 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium";
Book of Abstracts, Dipl.Ing. Heinz A. Krebs, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-2-1; 128 S.

Zusätzliche Informationen
R. Zemann, A. Grill, I. Hahn, H. Krebs, A. Mayr, P. Eder-Neuhauser, B. Ullmann (Hrg.):
"Proceedings VSS 2015 - Vienna young Scientists Symposium";
Book of Abstracts, Dipl.Ing. Heinz A. Krebs, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-9504017-07; 182 S.
Publications in Scientific Journals
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, J. Lohninger, F. Untersteiner, P. Gärtner:
"iChemEdu - the e-Learning concept of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology";
ZIDline, 2005 (2005), 12; S. 24 - 28.
H. Krebs, U. Jordis:
"How to add Chemical Abstracts Service registry numbers and structures to databases via chemical names comparison";
Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 40 (2) (2000), S. 293 - 294.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Talks (with Proceedings)
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, P. Gärtner:
"iChemEdu - the e-Learning of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology";
Vortrag: 1.German Conference on Chemoinformatics -19.CIC-Workshop 2005, Goslar, Germany; 13.11.2005 - 15.11.2005; in: "1.German Conference on Chemoinformatics - 19. CIC-Workshop 2005 - Book of Abstracts", (2005), S. 33.
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, A. Riganelli, A. Lagana:
"New Modules for iChemEdu: the iChemLab Expetiment Editor and the iChemLab Virtual Glassware Connector";
Vortrag: COST D23 Multimedia and Elchem Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece (eingeladen); 03.05.2005; in: "Elchem and Multimedia Workshop - ECTN Annual Conference", (2005), S. 3 - 4.
H. Krebs, J. Fröhlich:
"A Stockroom System for chemicals and materials - and for charging";
Vortrag: COST D23 Project ELCHEM, Helsinki, Finnlsand; 12.11.2004 - 13.11.2004; in: "COST D23 Project ELCHEM - Book of Abstracts", (2004), S. 12.
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, J. Lohninger, F. Untersteiner, P. Gärtner:
"The Application of New Media for Teaching (iChemEdu) and for Spreading Awareness of Science (KaS - the Kids and Science Project)";
Vortrag: COST D23 Multimedia and Elchem Workshop, Toulouse, France; 23.05.2004 - 25.05.2004; in: "Multimedia and Elchem Workshop Book of Abstracts", (2004), S. 6 - 8.
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, P. Gärtner:
"e-Assessment in der Chemie im lokalen (iChemExam) und europäischen Bereich (EChemTest)";
Vortrag: Business Meeting Forum Neue Medien, Wien, Österreich; 02.12.2004 - 03.12.2004; in: "9.Buisiness-Meeting des Vereins fnm-austria", (2004).
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, T. Seidel:
"iChemExam: e-Selfassessment in virtual classrooms and laboratories";
Vortrag: COST D23 Project ELCHEM, Helsinki, Finland; 12.11.2004 - 13.11.2004; in: "COST D23 Project ELCHEM - Book of Abstracts", (2004), S. 3 - 5.
H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, J. Fröhlich, P. Gärtner:
"iChemEdu - Ein Internet-basiertes Informationssystem für Synthetisch-Chemische Praktika";
Vortrag: 10. Österreichische Chemietage, Linz; 17.09.2002 - 19.09.2002; in: "10. Österreichische Chemietage", (2002), ISBN: 3-900554358.
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, P. Gärtner:
"iChemEdu - A web portal to the internet information system iChemLab, iChemEdu and iChemExam";
Vortrag: 4thEuropean Conference on Computational Chemistry, Assisi, Italy; 01.09.2002 - 06.09.2002; in: "4thEuropean Conference on Computational Chemistry", (2002), S. 43.
Poster Presentation (with Proceedings)
T. Seidel, H. Krebs, J. Fröhlich, F. Untersteiner:
"Spherical Enviroment-based Integer Codes (SEICO): A new Method for the Description of Chemical Structures";
Poster: 16. CIC Workshop, Kleinmachnow (Berlin); 10.11.2002 - 12.11.2002; in: "16.CIC Workshop", (2002).
H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, J. Fröhlich, P. Gärtner:
"iChemLab - ein internet-basiertes Informationssystem für synthetisch-chemische Praktika";
Vortrag: 15.GDCh-Workshop "Chemie-Information-Computer" Software Develpoment in Chemistry, Leipzig, Deutschland; 01.04.2001 - 03.04.2001.
H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, J. Fröhlich, P. Gärtner:
"iChemLab - An internet-based information system for synthetic chemical laboratories";
Vortrag: 15. CIC Workshop - Software Development in Chemistry, Leipzig, Deutschland; 01.04.2001 - 03.04.2001.
T. Seidel, H. Krebs, J. Fröhlich:
"SEICO - A Method for the Calculation of Structure Hash Codes from extended Atom-Centered Multilayer Codes";
Vortrag: Chemistry Studies in the European Higher Education Area, Dresden, Deutschland (eingeladen); 14.07.2004 - 15.07.2004.
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, J. Lohninger:
"iChemLab - ein Internet-basiertes Informations- und Managementsystem für chemische Laborübungen im Rahmen des Konzeptes iChemEdu der Fakultät für Technische Chemie";
Vortrag: 1. eLearning Tag an der TU Wien, Wien, Österreich (eingeladen); 20.01.2004.
Beitrag in CD- oder Web-Tagungsband
J. Fröhlich, H. Krebs, F. Untersteiner, J. Lohninger:
"iChemLab - ein Internet-basiertes Informations- und Managementsystem für chemische Laborübungen im Rahmen des Konzeptes iChemEdu der Fakultät für Technische Chmie";
in: "1. eLearning Tag an der TU Wien - Nachlese", 1. eLearning Tag an der TU Wien, 2004, (eingeladen), 2 S.