Systems Biotechnology – "Applied Biochemical Cell Factories"

Project Outline

  • Retro-synthetic approach for the design of artificial metabolic pathways
  • In vivo application of non-related enzymatic cascades
  • Mass Spec (MS)-based metabolomics of the central carbon metabolism of E.coli
  • Investigation of potential bottlenecks of the designed enzymatic pathway to identify the most important cellular responses that potentially operate on the new pathway and decrease productivity
  • Mathematical modelling of intra cellular fluxes via Flux Balance Analysis (FBA)

Methods & Tools

  • E.coli genetics for the introduction and optimization of the de novo designed pathway into the host
  • Organic synthesis for the preparation of a broad substrate pool; synthesis of intermediates and reference metabolites
  • Flux Balance Analysis via Cobra Toolbox for in silico flux predictions
  • Targeted metabolomics via UHPLC-QQQ-MS and GC-MS (mainly central carbon metabolism, cofactors and energy sources)